Established in 1928, the Idaho Grower Shippers Association (IGSA) serves shippers, marketers, growers and processors of world-renowned Idaho potatoes. Our members and their associated growers harvest about 13 billion pounds of potatoes each year and provide the world with a delicious and nutritional vegetable. The IGSA serves an important role in the Idaho potato industry by providing educational trainings, networking opportunities and creative solutions for our members needs. We welcome you, and invite you to learn more.
A Proud Tradition
97 Years Strong
The IGSA was incorporated in 1928 as the Idaho Traffic Association with the sole charge to fight for fair transportation rates for the Idaho agricultural industry. In its early years, iconic industry members such as J.R. Simplot served as President and the Association held annual conventions in Boise, Idaho Falls and Sun Valley, Idaho. As the needs of the members evolved so did the name of the Association. In 1945, the Association changed its name to the Idaho Potato & Onion Shippers Association only to change it again seven years later to the Idaho Shippers Association. In 1960, the name was changed to the current Idaho Grower Shippers Association (IGSA). Nearly 100 years after the first annual meeting of its members, the IGSA continues to facilitate the accomplishment of common goals within the Idaho potato industry.
Remaining rooted in the day-to-day needs of our members is extremely important to the IGSA. Our board of directors is composed of men and women who work in the Idaho potato industry. Throughout the year the IGSA hosts a variety of training events, social gatherings, and an annual convention to ensure that we are not only aware of the challenges our members are facing, but we are helping to solve those problems and fostering opportunities for members to help each other. We invite you to learn more about and participate in one of our upcoming events.